One of the things I realized from working on kitchens and taking classes to have a career refresher was the fact that homes really old have bad layouts. So bad, that it’s not even to code (current kitchen and bath by laws). One of the things that people really forget to include in their designs are pantry space. They focus so much better appliances or the sizes of the refrigerator to store more left overs. However, they forget that you still need your average pantry for refrigerated foods.
The right layout is what’s called the Triangle. The distance between the refrigerator, sink and range has to be no less than 4′ and no more than 9′ whilst forming a triangle.
Now you think is that even possible in small spaces? The answer is yes! Work with a small range and make sure that the distance between a fridge and range is about 24″-36″ apart to including landing spaces. Landing spaces are designated spaces where you can place objects while using these two appliances. However the image below is the complete opposite.
For this type of space, its very obvious there isn’t enough room for two people to cook or use the kitchen at the same time. The advantage of the electric induction top is that it doesn’t take up space below, which makes it very usable for storage. But again, the Triangle in this situation is too tight and definitely less than 4′ of space.
This last image shows the perfect example of a kitchen layout by honoring the triangle concept. Nowadays most client will be ok with not having a kitchen layout strict to the guideline. The goal is to client to your client to what their essentials are for a space such as a kitchen. If their goal is to have a shared counter space for people to congrogated on special events. If the client wants a airy space and brings in light, then that is equally important as well.